February 15, 2012

Table leg dragonly with wood shim wings and new Etsy store

recycled dragonfly lucy designs
My latest dragonfly and first addition to my Etsy store
Update as of April 2016, I'm no longer creating the dragonflies,
thank you for all your past orders. 
Please visit my new online store featuring my mosaic art 
in coastal and nature themes and coastal ornaments.

rusty metal mixed media art
Rusty metal "eyes"...

recycled dragonfly
Fun, multi-color wings made using wood shims

distressed body....

lamp harps for dragonfly antenna
Lamp harps! They are my latest dragonfly antenna

table leg dragonfly
Thanks for stopping by!

After 5 years on Etsy, I've closed my store and opened a new
 online store featuring mosaic art and coastal style ornaments. 
Find me on FacebookPinterest, InstagramYoutube
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Good luck with your FB store :) I love these!

  2. Kudos on the Etsy store. I can't wait to visit. You know I am a Lucy groupie.


I've moved to Lucydesignsart.com to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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