November 14, 2015

Recycled Wood Reindeer, Large Repurposed Christmas Sculptures

large wood reindeer recycled elements
I can't take credit for this adorable idea.
I saw something similar in a catalog once where they used spindles as 
reindeer legs and filed that memory in my head for later. 
This year I decided to create reindeer and put my own spin on them.

recycled reindeer art
One idea I came up with was using metal ceiling fan blade
holders as antlers. 

When I first started using the fan blades for dragonfly wings,
I had an overabundance of these metal fan holders. 
I got rid of so many of them but did save a few and was so 
glad I did because they made great antlers!

reindeer art
I drew a pattern and cut the bodies from plywood.
I added a textured pattern using a stencil and my own texture
compound to create the raised pattern. You could also use 
joint compound to create the texture.

large free standing wood reindeer
In addition to the fan blade holders, I came up with other ideas for antlers too. 
For this recycled reindeer, the antlers are cut from scrolly sections of a
 wooden picture frame. 
He has wooden coaster ears and a jingle bell nose.

wood recycled reindeer
I made two sizes, a large and small. This large size reindeer is 
32" tall. I used more ceiling fan blade holders as antlers, painted in
gold along with recycled tin for the ears and a bottle cap nose.

large wood reindeer sculptures, recycled elements
Most of the small size reindeer stand 24-28" tall and they
look adorable in pairs.

wood reindeer sculpture
The little reindeer has more scrolled pieces from a wooden
frame as antlers, ears cut from old license plates and a metal nut for his nose.

wood reindeer
I painted this set in muted gold.
I guess they are all male deer since they all have antlers but
they look so much cuter with the antlers!

reindeer with jingle bell nose
This little gold reindeer has decorative pieces from a clock that I 
cut apart for his antlers. His ears are wooden coasters, already in 
the "ear shape" and a jingle bell nose. 

recyled reindeer with spindle legs
The majority of the spindles I used matched but this one has 
mismatched spindle legs and I think that just adds to the charm of

Lucy Designs reindeer
All the tails are made using aluminum flashing that I 
cut into a tail shape and painted.

recycled reindeer with license plate ears and ceiling fan blade holder antlers
More fan blade holder antlers and license plate ears
on this large reindeer sculpture.

large reindeer recycled repurposed Christmas decor
They are all fairly lightweight but stand very sturdily.
What a unique addition to holiday or Winter decor that 
will last for years to come.

Update December 2016
I am no longer creating the reindeer and remaining deer are sold out

Thanks so much for taking the time to read about my reindeer!

Visit my new online store featuring my mosaic art and coastal ornaments.  You can also find me on Facebook

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I've moved to to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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