December 12, 2010

Wooden Baby Blocks Makeover ~ Transform Baby Blocks into Fun Decor

wooden baby blocks makeover into home decor
This is a fun little makeover I did using wooden baby blocks...

wooden baby building blocks
I came across a bag of wooden baby blocks at the thrift shop,
thought they were cute so I snagged them.

carved wooden baby block
 I really like the raised pattern on the letters

primed and painted wood baby blocks
I sprayed them with spray primer then off white spray paint

painted building blocks
I used black paint and lightly brushed the blocks so the paint would go only on the raised areas

precious kitty Ace
This is my company as I paint. :)

painted distressed baby blocks
I didn't mind if a little paint got on the other areas, it just gave them a 
more distressed look.

hand painted baby blocks
I hand painted black diamonds on the blank sides 
of the blocks and sealed them with spray clear poly

painted baby blocks
I arranged them in a little metal tray along with brown paper filler and added a bow...

leopard print ribbon
I used leopard print ribbon with metallic gold edges

hand painted baby blocks
All finished...thanks for reading about my baby blocks makeover

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  1. Your blocks topped with your leopard bow are so pretty. I came over to check out your blog snow. It looks like you had to find a different code. I'm glad you found some to work.

  2. Turned out great! I love them!

    Come enter for a free paper bead necklace from Heart Strings for Orphans!


I've moved to to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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