July 13, 2012

Croquet Mallet Dragonfly Art, Recycled dragonfly art

croquet mallet dragonfly
Update as of Spring 2016, I'm no longer making the dragonflies.
I sincerely appreciate all the past orders, thank you!
Please visit my new online shop featuring my coastal and 
nature themed mosaics. 
Croquet Mallet Dragonfly...

croquet mallet recycled art
I saw this set at Restore and immediately thought "dragonfly"...

hand painted croquet mallet design on dragonfly wings
I cut the wings out of Luan and painted with the same
stripes that are on the handle of the mallet...

croquet mallet dragonfly art
I normally screw the wings in from the back into the table leg or spindle but since 
the mallet handle is so thin, I drilled two holes through the wings and mallet,
inserted a machine screws and attached with wing nuts in the front...

croquet mallet wickets
I even used the wickets that came with the set to make the antenna,
I drilled two holes through the "head" of the dragonfly and 
inserted the wire wicket...

recycled croquet dragonfly
I gave them a little curl at the top with pliers.
Please, no need to email me to tell me dragonflies don't have visible antenna!
These are whimsical creations and I like adding the antenna :)

hand painted croquet mallet dragonfly
Thanks for checking out my croquet dragonfly.

Visit my new store or find me on InstagramFacebookYoutube and Pinterest
I still have items and reduced original paintings in my Etsy shop as well.

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious! I absolutely love him! We have been shopping table legs in thrift stores to make some dragonflies and just bought a table and had them take the legs off for us as we were traveling and didn't have room to take the table top. I think the clerk thought we were nuts! :)
    I just showed my husband this and he said I've got some old mallets out in the garage, so guess what we will be doing! I don't think I would have ever thought of them that way---you have a good eye! thanks for the inspiration. we are having fun and will put them on our fence and on our place at the lake. Ronny


I've moved to Lucydesignsart.com to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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