September 13, 2011

Straw Hat Wall Art, Dimensional Hat Sculpture DIY

straw hat sculpture
I was commissioned to create a piece of wall art that looks like a straw beach hat. 

creating sculpture wall art in hat shape
I started by cutting a circle shape out of plywood with the jigsaw.
I wasn't too careful about it being perfect.
I used an inexpensive bamboo type bowl for the hat area and attached it using 
hot glue as well as small screws along the edges.

creating texture with joint compound products
I used Flexall and slathered it over the whole piece.
Update... I used a product called Flexall at the time of this post but it has been 
discontinued. I would recommend Dap Presto Patch as a subsitute.
It's basically like joint compound but a little stronger. 

diy paint pattern tool
To give it a woven straw texture, I used a rubber squeegee that I notched out with
a box cutter and drug it through the wet Flexall.
. I've used this squeegee before for other projects like the
Easter Egg Door Hanger. I used my fingers to make the ribbon design.

yellow straw hat sculpture
After it was dry, I lightly sanded and sprayed with spray primer and yellow spray paint.

paint wash to bring out texture
To bring out all the texture I had created, I brushed on watered down brown paint
 and quickly wiped away the excess.

straw hat with pink ribbon sculpture
I painted over the ribbon area with pink paint and while polka dots and added
a hanger to the back.

dimensional straw hat sculpture DIY
side view...

dimensional straw hat sculpture decor
I hung it on the armoire to give you an idea of the size
it's big...about 2 ft in diameter

hat sculpture
Looks like a straw hat just sitting there huh?

dimensional straw hat sculpture art decor
Thanks for checking out my faux straw!
Visit my new online store featuring mosaic art and coastal style ornaments. 
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  1. Very cute ~ girl you are sooo talented!!

  2. Well I thought I had seen all of your creative talent, but this is absolutely the best(I think) I love all you do. Doggie ornaments adorable. Love you, Mom

  3. Totally awesome Lucy!!!

    I love it, BUT I'm just curious, why didn't the client just use a straw hat?? (sorry just had to ask, lol)

    I totally love the way you created the ribbon, that was cool ;)

    Hugs, Bella

  4. oh,, that sounds like some fun stuff to play with. I love the hat,, it looks real. Very creative.


I've moved to to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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