September 27, 2010

Hand Painted Glass Bottles with Sun, Flowers, Sea Shells, Faces, Coral and Octopus Designs with Hand Made Bottle Stoppers

hand painted glass bottle in blue with sunshine and beaded funky stopper
These are a few Hand Painted glass bottles I've made in the past.
I use the kind of paint that you cure in the oven.

This was a large blue bottle that I couldn't bear to throw away and
I painted with a big yellow sun.
I added fun glass beads and curled wire to a metal stopper for the top

hand painted shell bottles with beaded shell stoppers

Painted seashells with shell stoppers on these two bottles

hand painted glass bottle with flower and beaded stopper

This clear glass bottle has a big flower with leaves and dots.
I added curled green wire and glass leaves as accents at the stopper

hand painted "face" glass bottle with faucet stopper
A large blue bottle with a face and a vintage faucet knob I made into a bottle stopper
hand painted glass bottle with octopus

hand painted glass bottles with diy stoppers
Swirly blue design

hand painted glass bottle with beaded stopper
Super Large bottle with a blue crab and seaweed

hand painted glass sun bottle with beaded stopper
And lastly, another big bottle that was already white with a giant sun

Thank you for stopping by!

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  1. Those are SO cute-love the octopus one!

  2. Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate it!

  3. These are amazing. You are truly a wonderful artist!


I've moved to to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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