October 8, 2010

Metal Mini Blind Makeover From White to Bamboo Blinds DIY

mini blind makeover metal to faux bamboo
This little makeover came about when I bought my first house back in
the early 1990's. I needed a quick, inexpensive solution to cover all the windows and
ended up going with what was popular and easy at the time...white metal mini blinds.

Fast forward a few years down the road and I had replaced all the blinds
 except the one in the laundry room.  It was a special order size to begin with
and the window faced East, meaning it was very hot and bright in the 
mornings when the sun came up. I actually liked the light control
I could get with the mini blind but one day I got tired of looking at it
and decided to change it up.

I don't have a before pic but it was a basic metal white blind.

I took it outside, washed it and let it dry. 
I didn't have quite the color of spray paint on hand I wanted for the background so I ended
 layering about 3 different colors of spray paint to get a camel color...
(This was before I knew to take pics during the creation process)

 I brought them inside, hung them back up, and painted the details while they were hanging, 
much easier!

bamboo mini blinds
I have other bamboo blinds in my home so I studied them then headed back
 in the laundry room to paint.  I used several different acrylic paints in browns and 
tans to get the variation and just played with it as I went.

mini blind to bamboo blinds makeover
They ended up looking pretty close to bamboo and much better to look at 
than white mini blinds... especially while doing laundry

Thanks for checking out my mini blind makeover!

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  1. Lucy,

    you have an eye like no one else! These look great!


  2. I found you through Bella and I agree with her! You have such great ideas :) I love your blog.

    Not JUST A Housewife

  3. great idea-you've received 3 blog awards-come over to my blog to accept them!

  4. Yes please, I'll take a few of those, lol. I love the look of bamboo blinds, I have roman shade ones, but they are so loud and squeeky, and heavy, and well pretty costly too. If only I had seen this a few years ago, shoot. I think I can still put this to use every where else though. When I get around to it, I will SURELY let you know, and you can come see how I did. :) Thank you for ANOTHER wonderful tutorial, and I would love to have this one on my party too, so when you get a chance coem share. This is to awesome. Thanks, Bella :)


I've moved to Lucydesignsart.com to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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