September 24, 2010

Recycled and Repurposed Wooden Gun Rack Makeover into a Hat Rack with Mirror

repurposed gun rack
This cute little hat rack started as a small gun rack.

wooden gun rack makeover
This isn't the actual "before", but it was something similar to this.

I cut off the bottom brackets so it wouldn't look so....gun rack-ish.

wooden gun rack to hat rack before and after
I primed, painted in fun stripes, and put a mirror in the back
where it was just an open space.
I added two vintage metal hooks at the bottom as well as an
old decorative metal swirl piece to the top to finish it off.

~~~Gun Rack to Hat Rack~~~

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  1. Lucy, dang....this is the cutest thing. I was in a thrift store today and saw a gun rack..I am going back to get it tomorrow, if it's still there..
    This is soooo cute. I'm impressed.:))

  2. So sweet! Love the bits of junk here and there, just enough to make it interesting. :)



I've moved to to focus on my mosaic art. I'm no longer creating dragonflies or mermaids.

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